The Green Squad is a French animated television series in 52 episodes of 13 minutes, produced by Gaumont/Alphanim Animation. It is based from the French comic book series called "Les Sauvenature". As of September 2, 2013: it is aired on Starz Kids & Family also known as Savage Family Wild. The Green Squad is the name of a network created by three siblings, Claire, Julian and Thomas Savage along with their pet Wifi, whose mission is to protect plant and animal species, their environments and other kinds of discoveries. Thus, they travel around the world as they're job is to protect endangered animals and save Earth's landmarks and artifacts. They embark on their extraordinary adventures as they discuss each other through a global blogging network to save the planet’s natural sites. == Characters == *Claire Savage She's a natural born leader *Julian Savage He's the one who takes pictures and entertainment *Thomas Savage He designed the Green Squad blog on the web *Wifi The pet ferret who accompanies the Green Squad. *Mr. and Mrs. Savage The Parents of Claire, Julian and Thomas. They accompany them on their adventures. *Julia She's a friend of Mr. and Mrs. Savage. She talks to them about lions. *Mark He's the Uncle of Claire, Julian and Thomas. Who sometimes accompany them on their adventures. *Jowandi He's the Ranger of Koala Reserve. *Bruce Lecter He's the poacher of kidnapping Koalas and setting the bush on fire. *Mike He's the neighbor of Mark as he is the Australian hunter. He cares about the Marsupials of the Outback. *Betaring He's a good friend of Mr. and Mrs. Savage who lives in the Rainforest in Indonesia. He has some flowers from the forest to provide medicine. *Sampa She is Betaring's Wife. *Max Riley He's the engineer on the construction site of the Rainforest in Indonesia. He wants to dig out the forest to build a road, but eventually, Betaring saves his son Jess with flowers so that he can divert the road to another direction away from the rainforest. *Jess Riley He's a son of Max Riley who have asthma attack. *Professor Ron Phillips He's the Professor from Wyoming University who studies and researches Ferrets. He gave Wifi to the Green Squad years ago. *Jimmy Snake He is from the Shoshone tribe who keeps the Ferrets under his protection. He works with Professor Philips to watch over Ferrets. *Doug He's guides The Green Squad to be sure the Wolves are safe. *Tony He's the photographer and capture a photo moment of Claire with the White Wolf. *Janiki He's the caretaker and researcher of Crocodiles from India. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「The Green Squad」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク